Saturday, June 7, 2014

The $20 Challenge

I'm jumping into the fray!
My challenge is going to be simple.
If I pack a lunch for work for 4 days straight . . .
I'll pay myself $20!
I will start this Monday thru Thursday

No Spend Sunday

Well, I accomplished the "No Spend Sunday" once again. It's becoming easier, so I'm going to make it a tradition, part of my routine. Staying at home on the weekend is very gratifying. I use the time to rest my mind and body. My desire is to control both my spending and my stress level, and not have it control me. "No Spend Saturdays" takes care of both.

Cool Azzed Websites That I Found Over The Weekend:
  • - You can pick a meal and print out the exact grocery list that you need to cook it!
  • - You can have your very own FREE call-in radio show for your Blog!
  • - Okay, everyone knew about this site but me! Shutup!
  • Mystery Science Fan Club - FREE online movies with sarcastic jokes. I love it!
I didn't spend a dime on these.