Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The 50/30/20 Budget

Harvard bankruptcy expert Elizabeth Warren and Special Advisor for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau under President Obama - coined the 50/30/20 budget guideline in the book she co-authored together with her daughter, "All Your Worth: The Ultimate Lifetime Money Plan."

The 50/30/20 budget is broken down into three categories:

Needs - Fixed Costs: 50%

Wants - Flexible Spending :30%

Savings/debt payoff - Financial Goals: 20%

Please note: This budget is for a persons after-tax net income. Medical and 401K retirement accounts are PRE-TAX  expenses and are not included in this budget.

Needs: 50%

Housing 20%
Car/Transportation 10%
Utilities (including cable, phone and internet)10% 
Food 10%

Wants :30%
Tithes and Offerings 10%
Recreation 10%
Personal 5%
Clothing 5%

Savings: 20%

Emergency Fund 10%
Savings Roth IRA 5%
Debt 5%

Here is the 50/30/20 Breakdown for $3,750 Monthly Income:

Housing $750
Car/Transportation $375
Utilities (including cable, phone and internet)$375
Food $375
Tithes and Offerings $375
Recreation $375
Personal $187
Clothing $187
Emergency Fund $375
Savings Roth IRA $187
Debt $187

Get up to $150 when you start trading with Motif


  1. Just a side note, it bugs me to see cable, a complete want under "needs". Otherwise I do agree with this as a start.

  2. Yes, I actually don't need cable, but it comes with the internet package, which I need for work and play.
